19 May 2023

Using AI-Powered Sentiment Analysis to Improve Your Business

In today’s competitive landscape, understanding your customers’ feelings and attitudes is more than just a necessity – it’s a game-changer. However, traditional methods of analyzing customer interactions are fraught with inefficiencies and limitations. Manual listening across a handful of interactions is a subjective, time-consuming, and expensive, undertaking, providing a poor and often skewed, sample. How can businesses overcome these challenges and tap into the wealth of customer interaction data available to them both efficiently and objectively? The answer is a combination of AI, and the need to sort through mountains of data – billions of customer interactions and reams of survey results collected across virtually every industry.

Enter AI-powered sentiment analysis – a market-leading AI model and part of ElevateAI’s suite of integrated Enlighten AI and CX AI offerings. Developed by NICE, this AI-powered analysis delivers a paradigm shift, replacing subjectivity with objectivity and transforming the daunting task of analyzing customer interactions into an effortless and precise process.

How does Sentiment Analysis work?

Sentiment leverages a comprehensive CX dataset to assess whether a customer interaction is positive, negative, or neutral. This isn’t about a random sampling of interactions – it’s about evaluating 100% of interactions, ensuring you don’t miss anything when it comes to understanding your customers.

Notably, sentiment isn’t developed on generic data. It’s trained on conversational data, labeled by analytics and corresponding survey scores. It offers a high degree of relevance and accuracy unmatched by other vendors, who are primarily using generic or publicly available internet data. With sentiment, businesses can analyze every voice or text interaction, across all channels – including phone calls, emails, chats, and social media posts – in near-real-time. This allows you to gain insights into areas where customer sentiment fluctuates, lending insight into how and why customer sentiment changes within a single interaction.

But what empowers sentiment to achieve such feats? The key lies in the language. Sentiment analysis is designed to identify and interpret the words, semantics, and context used across an interaction, understanding their use in each interaction. This sophisticated approach to language analysis ensures that even subtle indicators of sentiment, like sarcasm or frustration, aren’t overlooked. By integrating additional factors – such as laughter, cross talk, or changes in pitch, tone, or speaking rate – it takes the accuracy of sentiment analysis to new heights. It’s not just about what is being said, but how it’s being said.

Learn more in this video:

Improve Business Results with Sentiment

But where does the actual value of sentiment analysis lie? The applications are plentiful and it’s already transforming the landscape of customer experience across various business functions.

Sentiment scoring has been identified as a predictive indicator of customer satisfaction metrics like NPS, tNPS, and CSAT surveys. Now, with AI-powered sentiment analysis, businesses can objectively measure customer sentiment on 100% of interactions, finding insights and monitoring trends across use cases like the following:

  • Agent Enablement and Coaching. Sentiment can be used for agent enablement and coaching, giving managers a clear view of individual team members’ performance and areas for improvement.
  • Product Performance. Beyond evaluating agent performance, sentiment is a powerful tool for monitoring product performance and driving process improvements. Businesses can collect feedback, discover defects, and gauge satisfaction levels following product changes by measuring sentiment scores across the product lifecycle.
  • Sales Effectiveness. By analyzing sentiment around sales attempts, organizations can get insights into the effectiveness of their sales initiatives, identifying areas where employees are struggling or excelling.
  • Process Improvement Analysis. If a process issue is causing negative sentiment, sentiment analysis can help identify and rectify a process, improving overall customer satisfaction.
  • Personalized Survey Feedback. Sentiment can enhance Voice of the Customer (VOC) programs by enabling targeted, contextual surveys based on sentiment scores, yielding a higher response rate and preventing customer churn.

Employee sentiment analysis and what you need to know

Embracing customer sentiment is crucial today. We can now efficiently and objectively decode the complex language of customer interactions through AI-powered sentiment analysis.

By leveraging a comprehensive CX dataset and including training on actual survey outcomes, customers will have access to a more accurate, objective, and nuanced analysis of every customer interaction. Instead of a limited – and potentially biased – sample, AI-powered analysis tools allow us to assess 100% of interactions. With the ability to analyze words, phrases, context, semantics, and even tone and pitch changes, these AI solutions offer depth and precision unheard of using traditional, manual methods. Whether it’s tracking sentiment shifts in real-time, evaluating agent performance, or identifying potential process improvements, the applications of AI-powered sentiment analysis are as diverse as they are powerful.

Indeed, the tangible benefits to businesses offered by AI-powered sentiment analysis are immense – it enhances customer satisfaction and improves employee engagement significantly. Sentiment analysis can enable targeted coaching, while providing valuable insights for product and process improvements. All of these factors contributing to improved business outcomes across the board.

Want to learn more?

Amanda Dingus

With over 20 years of experience in market strategy and competitive intelligence, Amanda has worked in and around the customer experience space for years. She held leadership and strategy roles at industry leaders like Microsoft, USAA, Verint, Infor, and Medallia, prior to joining NICE, and is currently leading Marketing and Market Strategy efforts for ElevateAI by NICE.